Speed Limit For Car Towing Caravan On Motorway
You read the signs to determine the speed limit, right? Not if you’re pulling a caravan, but our guide contains all the information you require. Trailering requires different speed limits than conventional driving. Vehicles with and without trailers have the same speed limits on M5 Traffic News, while others do not.
It’s crucial for anyone pulling a camper, trailer, or horsebox to understand the restrictions. It pays to be aware of the rules to avoid getting pulled over and possibly getting fined or having points added to your licence because there is no supplementary sign to warn you if you need to tow at a slower speed than the displayed limit.
- On the highway:
Everyone knows the highway’s posted speed limit is 70 mph. Well, it is if you’re driving a car without a caravan. There aren’t any road construction zones or temporary speed limits. However, you’ll need to move more slowly if you pull a caravan or trailer at M5 traffic cameras.
You can only travel at a maximum speed of 60 mph. Although travelling ten mph slower than all law-abiding drivers may appear inconvenient, the slower top pace keeps a car and caravan stable and secure.
Along with adhering to the speed limit, towing drivers should also be mindful of the prohibition against using the outside lane on any highway with three or more lanes. Although it can be annoying when two trucks pass each other with hardly any speed difference, the law is in place to help traffic flow and prevent the outside lane from being congested with stationary cars.
It is acceptable to utilise the outer lane of a two-lane highway to overtake another vehicle while towing, as long as you switch back to the inside lane after the manoeuvre is finished, just as you would while driving without a caravan or trailer.
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- On a Dual-Carriageway:
The situation is the same as it is on the highway here. At least when the speed limit is 70 mph, towing necessitates driving ten mph more slowly.
However, if there is a lower limit, you are also subject to it. Suppose the official limit on a dual-carriageway is 60 mph or less. In that case, you do not have to continue driving at a speed 10 mph slower than other vehicles.
- On a Single-Carriageway:
The speed limit for a car hauling a caravan or trailer is 50 mph on single-carriageway roads, where cars can go 60 mph. It cannot be charming if you think you could tow your caravan at 60 mph and not impede traffic behind you, but the law requires you to keep your speed at 50 mph.
It’s polite to pull over and let cars pass if you notice a queue growing in your rearview mirrors when towing when it’s safe. In reality, it is a requirement of the Highway Code and goes beyond simple good manners. Take your time with a long traffic wait, mainly if you are operating a vast or slowly moving vehicle, according to Rule 169. Regularly check your mirrors; if required, pull over somewhere safe to let oncoming traffic pass.
Where is the speed restriction at 50, 40, 30, or 20 mph?
If there is a lower limit for car traffic, it also applies to a car pulling a caravan. You may only go at the posted speed limit—50 mph, 40 mph, 30 mph, or 20 mph—when car towing caravan. In the words of driving teachers everywhere, remember that these speeds are guidelines rather than benchmarks. Towing a caravan or trailer increases stopping distances, stability in high winds, and cornering. So, driving at a pace appropriate for the road conditions is essential.
Factors That Affect Towing:
A caravan or caravan requires complicated towing. It would be impossible to consider everything in detail here. However, the following fundamental information is given:
- Passengers:
It is illegal to transport people inside a caravan that is being pulled.
- Speed limits:
The posted speed limits must also be followed because they differ for cars towing a caravan or trailer.
- Dual carriageways and highways at 60 mph
- Single-carriageways at 50 mph
- Built-up areas: 30 mph
- Motorways, third lane
A car pulling a caravan or trailer cannot utilise the right (offside) lane on a motorway with three or more avenues open for traffic.
- Mechanical condition:
Ensure your car, caravan, and trailer work mechanically, including the lights, tyres, brakes, licence plates, and mirrors.
- Weights and plates:
Remember that your drawing vehicle, caravan/trailer, and automobile with a caravan/trailer do not exceed the weights on their plates.
- Pull ball:
Ensure you adhere to any specifications related to your car’s tow ball, such as weight limits, height restrictions, and breakaway couplings.
- Mirrors:
The key is to see clearly along both sides of your caravan for 20 metres behind the train and 4 metres on either side. Your car’s mirrors may not have extended towing mirrors, so add them to avoid breaking the law.
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Most insurers require this information if you plan to pull a train and have installed a tow ball on your car.
To remain legal Car Towing Caravan on a Dual Carriageway or motorway where the speed limit is 70 mph, drive at 60 mph. Tow at no more than 50 mph on a single-car highway where the speed limit is 60 mph for cars. Cars towing a caravan can reach the same speed as other cars on lower-speed routes.